How to Check Your AC Airflow

March 25, 2020

Here at Controlled Climate Services, we’re Kennesaw’s go-to airflow experts. It’s common for air conditioners to struggle with airflow now and then, and this doesn’t necessarily mean there’s a major problem with the unit. In fact, there are a variety of issues that impact a unit’s airflow. Make Sure The AC Is Turned On This one may sound simple to the point of being silly, but it’s pretty easy to think your AC is broken when it has actually been switched off or to the wrong setting. Most thermostats have three settings: cool, heat,

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What Are the Benefits of HVAC Product Warranties?

March 25, 2020

When you make a new purchase, you’ll have a warranty on that product. However, many consumers don’t understand the importance of these warranties. Here are some things you should know about new purchases and product warranties. Help Estimate The Cost Of Ownership A warranty is an important part of your new purchase. You need to know the differences between these warranties. Many companies only offer a limited warranty on their products. In most cases, you have the option to purchase an extended warranty. With these warranties, you can predict the long-term costs of your

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Why is My AC Unit Freezing Up in Lumpkin GA?

March 25, 2020

It’s a bizarre sight: your air conditioner is a frozen block of ice, and it’s still reaching temperatures in the 90s in Marietta. It also happens to be when you need it the most! After all, how can something freeze if it’s cranking continuously in high temperatures? This is a sign that something is not quite right since a frozen AC unit is not the norm. This issue should be addressed immediately. Your cooling system could be having a number of issues. Though it appears that the entire equipment is frozen solid, most likely only the evaporator

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Does Closing Vents in Unused Rooms Save Money?

March 25, 2020

At Controlled Climate Services, we specialize in heating and cooling for residential and commercial clients in Kennesaw and throughout the Greater Atlanta area. We’ve encountered many persistent HVAC misconceptions over the years, but perhaps none of those misunderstandings is as pervasive as the notion that you can close vents in order to save money. What Has Led To This Misconception? Although it’s impossible to say exactly what led to the notion, we think it likely has to do with the levers that are included with most HVAC vents. Since you can open and close them, then

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How to Measure Your Home’s Energy Efficiency

March 25, 2020

If you’ve noticed drafty windows or cold spots around your house, you should be concerned about energy efficiency. After all, air leaking in from the outdoors means the heating and cooling system has to work harder to keep your home comfortable. Detecting an occasional draft, however, doesn’t help you determine just how energy efficient your home is. Here at Controlled Climate Services in Kennesaw, we can perform some tests to assist you in measuring this important factor. Low-Emissivity Window Checkers Low-emissivity coatings are applied to window panes to reduce how much heat they absorb from the

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How to Save Money With a Whole-Home Humidifier

March 25, 2020

Installing a whole-home humidifier can make a house feel much more comfortable in the winter. In addition to making a house feel more pleasant, maintaining proper humidity levels can make a home much less expensive to run as well. Overly dry air can also cause damage to your house and its furnishings. Whole-Home Humidifiers Are Generally Less Expensive Compared to portable humidifiers, a whole-home humidifier may be less expensive to operate throughout the year. Furthermore, it may be less expensive to put in one unit for the entire house as opposed to buying multiple

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Easy Tips to Cut Down on Indoor Air Pollution

March 25, 2020

Indoor Air Pollution can result in breathing problems, allergic reactions, and other health problems. Dust or other particles can settle on furniture and other surfaces, which could result in property damage over long periods of time. However, there are some easy ways to reduce exposure to air pollutants. Don’t Smoke Indoors One of the easiest ways to prevent indoor air pollution is to smoke outdoors whenever possible. In addition to preventing smoke from lingering in the air, it can prevent young children from getting asthma attacks or other breathing problems. Furthermore, it can prevent

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Tips to Conserve Energy at Home

March 25, 2020

Nothing frustrates a homeowner more than receiving an astronomically high electricity bill. You do not have to be at the mercy of the power company. Here are some things that you can do to conserve energy, both for the sake of the environment and your wallet. Undergo An Energy Audit Sometimes, your electricity usage ends up inadvertently higher because of the amount that you waste. You do not even need to be consciously using too much energy. You can have energy leaking or escaping that causes your usage to spike. An energy audit can

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Your New Year HVAC Checklist

March 25, 2020

Your home’s heating and cooling system work hard to keep you comfortable all year long. With the new year, it is a good idea to make sure that the system is getting the attention it deserves. Use this checklist as a starting point for proper care of your home’s heating and cooling system. Change Air Filters Your heating and cooling system has an air filter. It is located near the air handler or air blower. The filters are big, and they are designed to collect tiny particles from the air before it is blown

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How to Lower Your AC Bills This Summer

March 25, 2020

If you’re like most people, you probably eagerly flip the air conditioner on when summer arrives. As the bills begin to roll in, you may start to wonder if you’d rather have the comfort or the extra cash. Learning how to lower your AC bills may help you avoid making costly decisions later. Maintain Your Unit You’ll experience higher costs when your unit isn’t functioning properly. On the surface, the air conditioner may seem to lack any problems. However, opting for a maintenance appointment can reveal something different. During this inspection, you may discover

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